
Thursday, March 26, 2020

amazing Lock down activity

Today duiring the lock down I was doing one onthe Kiwi kids news and 
Dogonews one was Japanese school holds graduation on Minecraft
 and the world's smallest-known Dinosaur measured Less Than
2.25 Inches!


  1. Hi Taylor, you have chosen some really interesting articles to summarise. It is great how people have become creative and inventive while in lockdown, there is a lot of amazing things happening. When choosing your colours, have a think about how easy it is to view. The bright colours made it hard for me to read.

  2. Hi Taylor, what interesting articles you have been reading. I found the one about the small dinosaur most interesting. Remember to follow the Think 6 model when writing a blog - including a question for the reader would be great.

  3. Hi Taylor, how are you? What interesting articles you have summarised- the one about the cheeseburger made me feel a little sick! That is so cool they had a Minecraft graduation!


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