
Thursday, March 26, 2020

amazing Lock down activity

Today duiring the lock down I was doing one onthe Kiwi kids news and 
Dogonews one was Japanese school holds graduation on Minecraft
 and the world's smallest-known Dinosaur measured Less Than
2.25 Inches!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Crazy Cuilters

Today I was asked to do some info on England and explor every little
thing adout england have you ever research a country and witing
a report on that country out of ten on how interesing it was
I would give it a ten it is still in progess 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Hittin the Books

In reading this week I was reading a book about The Past Beneth our Feet. This book was about dionsaurs, paleontologist, archaeologist, old plants and old 
Maori houses. Their old tools and how they used them and why they made 
them plus how they helped them. Have you ever wanted to study dinosaurs? If you did then what dinosaur would you want to study? I would love some feedback 
on my slide. If I had to mark how hard it was out of 10 I would mark it a 6.


This term we were trying out art this is called a wacky portrait Romero Britto
he was the guy who inspired us to make this kind of art there were three things 
that we could have done there was koru art wacky portraits and zed tanggles and 
I did two thing the koru art and wacky portrait s and this is my one have you ever
 done one of those art peices 

Friday, March 13, 2020

Super Stats

In maths today I was looking at graphs and what they mean and trying to 
decipher them. We had to then create them by hand and we learnt how to use 
a protractor. Have you ever had to use a protractor and how good did you do with it ?

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Kuaka: The Marathon Bird

today in class we were learning about  Kuaka: The Marathon Bird